Simplify the buying process and diversify your portfolio. ETF's can help you achieve your investment objectives.

Vigilance Rewards

What is an ETF?

An exchange traded fund is a unit trust that holds a broad range of investments, specifically for K2 equities. These managed funds are traded on an Australian exchange (ASX or Cboe) in the same way as shares in a company. Unitholders are able to gain equity exposure via one investment rather than holding multiple assets directly. Settlement and reporting are provided via CHESS allowing investors to consolidate their investment on one platform, providing simplicity.
Active ETFs are unit trusts that do not track an index and are more similar to actively managed funds. ETF’s differ from unlisted managed funds in that the ETF aims to provide investors with a more efficient way of accessing the strategy via the application and redemption process.

 Our ETF Service

Since launching our first ETF in 2015 K2 has continued to invest in IT capabilities and processes to allow us to offer this to the wider market. Importantly, K2 provide a one-stop-shop for the investment manager looking to offer an ETF as part of their product suite. K2's ETF service provides:

  • Management of ASX/Cboe admission process
  • iNAV calculation and verification
  • Internal or external market making
  • Market participants
  • Service providers
  • Unit creation and CHESS settlement
  • Continuous disclosure
  • Manager retaining branding ownership

KSM - K2 Australian Small Cap Fund (Hedge Fund)

The K2 Australian Small Cap Fund (KSM) provides investors with the opportunity to invest in a diversified Australian Small / Mid cap equities fund directly via the ASX. The fund’s units trade on the ASX market, meaning investors can buy and sell units via their own online broker account, stockbroker or financial planner.

The K2 Australian Small Cap Fund has a mandate to invest both long and short, seeking to provide investors with absolute returns. Through the active management of equity and cash exposure this strategy has delivered significant returns to clients since the funds inception in 2013.

Developed with the self-managed super fund in mind the K2 Small Cap Fund provides investors ease of access to a market segment that would otherwise not be present in their portfolios.

If you would like to receive the Target Market Determination (TMD) for this Fund please contact us at

Click here for important information about this rating.

ASX Ticker KSM
Intraday Indicative NAV (iNAV) A$2.37* as at 4:15PM 10th Feb 2025
*quoted ex-distribution
Structure Australian Small Cap Equities Fund
Inception 1 December 2013
Management Fee 1.31% p.a. (incl. GST & RITC)
Performance Fee 15.38% p.a. (incl. GST & RITC) of the amount by which the NAV exceeds the High Water Mark. The fund must also exceed a net 6% p.a. hurdle before a performance fees applies on total performance.
ARSN 166 480 584

K2 Australian Small Cap Fund investment philosophy

At K2, we focus on delivering superior risk adjusted returns for our clients over the long term. We invest in equities to generate positive returns and aim to preserve our clients’ capital when market conditions change.

K2 has a flexible investment style as we believe that there is no one uniform cycle across the investment universe. By adopting the most appropriate style (for example, growth, value, momentum or income) that is best suited to the current market conditions allows K2 to maximise risk-adjusted returns.  Investment opportunities can come from any number of areas and as a result K2 incorporates top down macro-economic analysis with bottom up stock selection.

Each of K2’s experienced investment managers brings their own investment style and methodology to our portfolios, combining their individual research with direct contact with companies.  Investment managers are encouraged to invest autonomously and pursue investment opportunities within a well-documented framework.  As a result, K2’s portfolios tend to be high conviction and index unaware.  The investment team will always examine key investment variables, however, it is the team’s ability to identify major investment themes and catalysts on a timely basis that gives K2 its competitive advantage. 

In addition to identifying undervalued stocks, K2 has the ability to actively manage equity market exposure and currency exposure as well as having the ability to short sell. These provide K2’s portfolio managers with additional tools to deliver superior risk adjusted returns for our clients.

The K2 Australian Small Cap Fund seeks to add value by investing in mis-priced stocks, where a company’s fundamental value has not yet been recognised by the market.

K2's assessment of a company's management, industry structure and valuation leads to investments in high quality companies in industries with structural growth or which have barriers to entry for competitors.

The portfolio is constructed primarily via a bottom up investment process which identifies K2's highest conviction ideas. If there are limited opportunities in the equity market the fund will hold cash until profitable opportunities are uncovered.

Investment Process

The K2 Australian Small Cap Fund seeks to add value by investing in mis-priced stocks, where a company’s fundamental value has not yet been recognised by the market.

K2's assessment of a company's management, industry structure and valuation leads to investments in high quality companies in industries with structural growth or which have barriers to entry for competitors.

The portfolio is constructed primarily via a bottom up investment process which identifies K2's highest conviction ideas. If there are limited opportunities in the equity market the fund will hold cash until profitable opportunities are uncovered.

Management quality is assessed via:

  • Track record
  • Execution of business strategies
  • Capital Management
  • Alignment of interests with shareholders

Industry Structure is assessed via:

  • Growth outlook, supply and demand
  • Barriers to entry, potential competition
  • Regulatory environment
  • Substitutes
  • Pricing Power

Valuations are monitored on a relative basis with EPS growth and PER forming the criteria for determining current value and identifying when the intrinsic value assessment is reached.

In assessing intrinsic value, stock liquidity is a key consideration. As a high conviction portfolio with an ability to hold cash, monitoring valuations helps set realistic price targets.


Performance Since Inception

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. View Full Disclaimer.

Sector Equity Exposure

Graph represents sector equity exposure as at 31/01/2025

KSM Daily Pricing Performance


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Apostle Dundas Global Equity Fund



Dundas Global Investors is an independent global equity investment manager based in Edinburgh. They manage a single investment strategy, global equities, in pursuit of capital and dividend growth to keep their clients’ precious funds intact from the corrosive effect of inflation. They invest in the best public companies from around the world, relying upon their own research to identify them. Portfolios typically comprise 50-65 stocks, with no distinction between developed and so-called emerging markets; it’s a global economy.

By owning equity shares investors gain a direct interest in companies’ wealth generation which they experience in two distinct ways, capital growth and dividends. Dundas Global Investors’ investment strategy pays equal attention to both elements.

Clients’ portfolios and their own assets are invested alongside each other. As an independent firm, owned by Alan McFarlane and the staff without external shareholders, they manage client’s portfolios free from the conflict of interest that can bedevil more complex organisations.

If you would like to receive the Target Market Determination (TMD) for this Fund please contact us at

Investment Objective:

  • Deliver rolling five-year returns in excess of 2.5%p.a. of the capital return of the MSCI All Country World Index (ex Australia) before fees ('Benchmark').
  • Five-year compound annual growth in dividends per portfolio unit greater than inflation and the dividend growth of the Benchmark.
  • Achieve lower volatility than the equivalent capital and dividend returns for the Benchmark through a stock selection focus on high real book value growth and growing dividend income.

Click here for important information about this rating.

Intraday Indicative NAV (iNAV)Loading...
Structure Global Equities Fund
Inception February 2021
Management Fee 0.90% p.a. (inc. GST & RITC)
ARSN 093 116 771

*The iNAV price is provided by Solactive as a continual feed (Please refresh your browser to see the updated price)

Apostle Dundas Investment Philosophy

The investment philosophy at Dundas Global Investors (Dundas) centres on the belief that investing in stocks with high real book value growth and growing dividend income can generate greater compounded returns while offering lower volatility for investors in a portfolio.

Investment Process

Dundas follows an 18-24 month cycle covering the core 2,500 stocks available on the Benchmark on a sector by sector basis, plus the further 1,000 global stocks with market capitalisation of >US$2 billion that MSCI has chosen not to include in the ACWI.

The order of sector analysis is linked to factors such as market development or the decision to review particular stocks currently held in the portfolio. Dundas sifts its universe in order to identify a shortlist of prospects for further analysis which are allocated evenly across the investment team.

Each analyst considers company financials, business strategy, competitors and market trends in depth and research is discussed in daily investment meetings. Candidates for the portfolio are considered on valuation metrics including likely future growth rate of dividends and book value, valuation history, competitor and market valuation as well as growth and valuation metrics for similar stocks held in the portfolio.

The Dundas portfolio team determines stock selection and portfolio composition collegially.




CD Private Equity Fund I (ASX: CD1)

The CD Private Equity Fund Series is focused on investing with and alongside specialised private equity funds targeting middle-market operating businesses in the US. 

The Fund Series, through its partnership with Cordish Private Ventures, replicates the long-term private equity investment strategy of Cordish Private Ventures and provides the opportunity for investors to invest side-by-side and on similar terms with the Cordish Family of Baltimore, Maryland.

Cordish Private Ventures is the private investment arm of a fourth-generation US family company, The Cordish Companies and Cordish Family. Cordish Private Ventures has been investing in US private investments since the company was founded in 1999.

For specific information pertaining to the Funds please visit or contact us at

CD Private Equity Fund II (ASX: CD2)

The CD Private Equity Fund Series is focused on investing with and alongside specialised private equity funds targeting middle-market operating businesses in the US. 

The Fund Series, through its partnership with Cordish Private Ventures, replicates the long-term private equity investment strategy of Cordish Private Ventures and provides the opportunity for investors to invest side-by-side and on similar terms with the Cordish Family of Baltimore, Maryland.

Cordish Private Ventures is the private investment arm of a fourth-generation US family company, The Cordish Companies and Cordish Family. Cordish Private Ventures has been investing in US private investments since the company was founded in 1999.

For specific information pertaining to the Funds please visit or contact us at

CD Private Equity Fund III (ASX: CD3)

The CD Private Equity Fund Series is focused on investing with and alongside specialised private equity funds targeting middle-market operating businesses in the US. 

The Fund Series, through its partnership with Cordish Private Ventures, replicates the long-term private equity investment strategy of Cordish Private Ventures and provides the opportunity for investors to invest side-by-side and on similar terms with the Cordish Family of Baltimore, Maryland.

Cordish Private Ventures is the private investment arm of a fourth-generation US family company, The Cordish Companies and Cordish Family. Cordish Private Ventures has been investing in US private investments since the company was founded in 1999.

For specific information pertaining to the Funds please visit or contact us at

Digital X Bitcoin ETF



The Fund aims to deliver a return that tracks the performance of the price of Bitcoin (before fees and expenses). The return of the Fund will be calculated by reference to the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (BRR).

The Fund’s investment strategy is to hold substantially all of its assets in long-term holdings of Bitcoin to achieve the investment objective.

The Fund is intended to be a passive holder of Bitcoin and will not buy and sell Bitcoin other than to facilitate redemptions and creations of Bitcoin Interests.

DigitalX Asset Management Pty Ltd (DXAM) is the investment manager of three investment products that provide qualified investors with highly secure and streamlined access to digital assets.

An investment in the Fund is extremely high risk and there is potential for all or a significant amount of loss of invested capital. It is recommended that investors are aware of the risks and monitor their investments to ensure that it continues to meet their investment objectives and needs.

For specific information pertaining to the Fund please visit or contact us at


Investment Objective:

The Fund aims to deliver a return that tracks the performance of the price of Bitcoin (before fees and expenses). The return of the Fund will be calculated by reference to the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (BRR). As the BRR is denominated in USD, and the Fund is denominated in AUD, investors will be subject to fluctuations in the AUD/USD exchange rate as well as fluctuations in the price of Bitcoin.

The Fund's investment objective is expressed before the deduction of fees and costs and taxation, i.e. performance is measured relative to the Fund's benchmark before fees and costs and taxes are deducted.

The Fund’s investment objective is not intended to be a forecast. It is only an indication of what the investment strategy aims to achieve. The Fund may not achieve its investment objective. Returns are not guaranteed.

Investment style and approach

The Fund will hold substantially all of its assets in Bitcoin via long-term holdings. Bitcoin held by the Fund will be valued in US dollars however the Fund itself will be valued in Australian dollars and as such there is a significant currency exposure in the Fund. Investors will be exposed to both the US dollar price movements of Bitcoin and AUD/USD exchange rate. The Fund may also hold cash (both US and Australian dollars) in order to meet its obligations. The Fund is intended to be a passive holder of Bitcoin and does not intend to buy and sell Bitcoin other than for the purposes of facilitating creations and redemptions of Bitcoin Interests. The Fund does not use derivatives.

Savana US Small Caps Active ETF


Savana Logos ART CMYK-14



Savana US Small Caps Active ETF Content

The Savana US Small Caps Active ETF provides investors with the opportunity to invest in a fund that seeks to outperform the S&P 600 Total Return Index over a medium to long term investment horizon.

The investment manager of the Fund Fat Prophets Funds Management has a 20-year track record in funds management, advice and research and has an international footprint with offices in both Sydney and Auckland. Fat Prophets has appointed Savana Asset Management as the investment advisor of the fund, to make the day-to-day investment management decisions.

Savana Asset Management Pty Ltd is a specialist investment manager whose investment activities are focused on identifying undervalued equities, both locally and globally, through its proprietary algorithms. Savana’s proprietary valuation methodology harnesses the power of complex systems theories and collective intelligence, to create a technology driven investment process that produces unique strategies based on undervalued companies.

If you would like to receive the Target Market Determination (TMD) for this Fund, please contact us at


Investment Objectives:

  • The investment style is active with the aim of building Long-Term wealth.
  • The Fund seeks to outperform the S&P 600 Total Return Index over a medium to long term investment horizon.
  • The fund invests in US Small Cap listed equities.

Investment Style and Approach:

Savana will implement a unique proprietary valuation methodology harnessing the power of complex systems theories and collective intelligence, aiming to create portfolios of undervalued companies delivering significant and repeatable outperformance. Savana’s objective is to leverage the power of its artificial intelligence enhanced collective intelligence valuation technology to deliver investment performance.