Select International Alpha Fund

As of 8 May 2024, the investment manager of the Select International Alpha Fund and the underlying fund, the GAM Star Alpha Technology Fund is Liontrust Investment Partners LLP (Liontrust). The key staff managing the underlying fund are the same and this change has not impacted the day-to-day management or strategy of the Select International Alpha Fund or the underlying fund.

 Liontrust is a specialist asset manager that is headquartered in the UK, was launched in 1994 and listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1999.  Liontrust’s purpose is to help clients enjoy a better financial future through the power of active management and distinct investment processes. There are eight investment teams that manage UK, European, global and emerging market equity funds, sustainable investment funds, global fixed income funds and multi-asset funds and portfolios. Each team applies distinct, robust and repeatable investment processes to managing portfolios, which Liontrust believes are key to generating good client outcomes and effective risk control. The teams have the courage of their convictions to make active investment decisions for the long term. Liontrust supports numeracy education in schools and wildlife conservation.

 It is important that all unitholders read the new PDS in full, the PDS can be downloaded at

 If you would like to receive the Target Market Determination (TMD) for this Fund please contact us at